Thursday, October 1, 2009

When to KKH

Today I went to KKH to do mould for my earing aids . First, they take some kind of dough thing and add some glue ,I think.Then , they put coton on a string and put into my ear.After that, they put the dough into a pluger and push into my ear too. I felt cold when it goes into my ears. Finally, after the dough is harden , they pull out with shape of my ear on the mould. It is amazing.
After finishing the mould , I went to Lv 7 to CCF, while my mother ask CDT nurses if i can flash my port. Ailing from CCF gave me a present as it is Children's Day. I am glad that i went up. I saw my friends that i met them in hospital.There are 3D Woodcraft -Penguin , packet of milo and cornflask , sharpener which has a staute of mickey mouse.
I like the 3D Woodcraft most because I had to assembly the pieces myself. Although the instuction is not clear, i managed to assembly some parts .Now I am still trying and hope to let the class see .
After flashing the port , I went to Mc Donald to eat my favourite burger, Mc Chicken. My mum ordered Mc Chicken , a set included Big Mc , tea as for drink and fries.I enjoyed myself.
Then we went home by cab and started to blog

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