Saturday, October 10, 2009

Lolo Quest

Today i went to Four Season Hotel ( Ballroom) to have a gathering organised by CCF . When my family(Father,Mother,2 brothers) reached there,we had to register first and take our name which is on the sticker. My team is Yellow . We waited for half an hour before others to come.After that , the Yellow team had a scarf which other team don have. There are 5 teams all together , they are Yellow,Red,Blue,Green and White.

Finally, it is time to go inside the ballroom.Group by group went in. They prepared a chair for me. After briefing wat is to be done, we went to play section by section. Firstly, my team is to go to the baking store. My 2 brothers and I chose the ready bake cookies.We decors our cookie. My father very anxious about me and always ask me to sit on the chair but I want to stand to listen. I then find him nagging at me and like old hag.

Second section is the man making. That means we must choose one person in the group to represent the group.We make that person a pirate with towel,toilet rolls and art materiel.Third section is car driving, my father don allow me to sad!!So I sit on the chair.I never try the fourth and fifth game as I went to the toilet.

After going to the toilet , i looked down and I saw toys shop. So I asked my mother to bring me there. I saw a small cute Penguin . U guess how many it costs?? $10!! So expensive. Then we went up again. We saw a popcorn cart , so I wanted popcorn. After taking the popcorn, I went to find my brothers and father.

Finally it was my favourite game, it was the tattoo making.But not tattoo ,it was drawing on the hands and face.I prefer hand and i ask them to draw ladybird for me.It was nice and I like it.After drawing, my group had a group photo .

It was lunch time!! I ate few chicken wings, fried rice and tea. It was delicious!!We went home after a heartily lunch. When I reached home after bathing, I went to sleep . Waking up after 2hr, now writing blog

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