Friday, October 30, 2009

Exam over

Sorry for not blogging for so long, exam finally finish!!!Still got left SS and HE test . I am not stress after the exam.Now i can play facebook, watch youtube all day long cos i have mine own laptop !!!So relieved and happy. Now the final thing is to take back the exam paper and see which class going next year and also the marks so excited. Today is the last paper!!Hurray!!!
Can't wait for the day to come!!After exam , our bag is lighter and lighter as there will be not much lesson . Hope can get good marks

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Lolo Quest

Today i went to Four Season Hotel ( Ballroom) to have a gathering organised by CCF . When my family(Father,Mother,2 brothers) reached there,we had to register first and take our name which is on the sticker. My team is Yellow . We waited for half an hour before others to come.After that , the Yellow team had a scarf which other team don have. There are 5 teams all together , they are Yellow,Red,Blue,Green and White.

Finally, it is time to go inside the ballroom.Group by group went in. They prepared a chair for me. After briefing wat is to be done, we went to play section by section. Firstly, my team is to go to the baking store. My 2 brothers and I chose the ready bake cookies.We decors our cookie. My father very anxious about me and always ask me to sit on the chair but I want to stand to listen. I then find him nagging at me and like old hag.

Second section is the man making. That means we must choose one person in the group to represent the group.We make that person a pirate with towel,toilet rolls and art materiel.Third section is car driving, my father don allow me to sad!!So I sit on the chair.I never try the fourth and fifth game as I went to the toilet.

After going to the toilet , i looked down and I saw toys shop. So I asked my mother to bring me there. I saw a small cute Penguin . U guess how many it costs?? $10!! So expensive. Then we went up again. We saw a popcorn cart , so I wanted popcorn. After taking the popcorn, I went to find my brothers and father.

Finally it was my favourite game, it was the tattoo making.But not tattoo ,it was drawing on the hands and face.I prefer hand and i ask them to draw ladybird for me.It was nice and I like it.After drawing, my group had a group photo .

It was lunch time!! I ate few chicken wings, fried rice and tea. It was delicious!!We went home after a heartily lunch. When I reached home after bathing, I went to sleep . Waking up after 2hr, now writing blog

Monday, October 5, 2009

Finishing ..........

I have just finishing assemble my 3D woodcraft Penguin. I started some on 1st October and stopped . I continued today and finished it up. Although it may not look like, i put in alot of effort in it. The instructions is not clear and i have to get my own general idea by looking at the picture.

Here is some pictures

This Penguin is on the paper.

This is the one that i assemble myself.

Friday, October 2, 2009


Today is happy but sad because it is Friday . The sad thing is I got alot of hw.

List of HW

  • Maths Ab up to pg 24
  • Eng AB pg 32-33 (I think)
  • Compo (Report and Sitution writing)
  • A lot of Chinese

This is the hw. I thought i can enjoy my weekend.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

When to KKH

Today I went to KKH to do mould for my earing aids . First, they take some kind of dough thing and add some glue ,I think.Then , they put coton on a string and put into my ear.After that, they put the dough into a pluger and push into my ear too. I felt cold when it goes into my ears. Finally, after the dough is harden , they pull out with shape of my ear on the mould. It is amazing.
After finishing the mould , I went to Lv 7 to CCF, while my mother ask CDT nurses if i can flash my port. Ailing from CCF gave me a present as it is Children's Day. I am glad that i went up. I saw my friends that i met them in hospital.There are 3D Woodcraft -Penguin , packet of milo and cornflask , sharpener which has a staute of mickey mouse.
I like the 3D Woodcraft most because I had to assembly the pieces myself. Although the instuction is not clear, i managed to assembly some parts .Now I am still trying and hope to let the class see .
After flashing the port , I went to Mc Donald to eat my favourite burger, Mc Chicken. My mum ordered Mc Chicken , a set included Big Mc , tea as for drink and fries.I enjoyed myself.
Then we went home by cab and started to blog